Counseling and Therapy

When children experience emotional distress, appropriate counseling and therapy can help them overcome their difficulties. We provide two type of services: (1) counselling or therapy offered by our professionals for free or with subsidies, and (2) referrals to other professionals and institutions.

Both of these services require consultation with our advisors with  social worker training and a triage mental health assessment conducted by our specialist to determine:

  • Whether the child requires counselling or therapy?
  • What type of counselling or therapy is needed?
  • Whether it is suitable for us to follow up or refer to other institutions?

If the assessment results indicate a need, the child will be directed to:

1. Our Counselling and Therapy Services


4-8 sessions of counselling or therapy, primarily conducted through online meetings, while in-person sessions will depend on the availability and location of relevant specialists.

Service Providers

Registered clinical psychologists, art therapists, drama therapists, play therapists, and counsellors based in the UK.


Subject to an eligibility test, clients will receive free or subsidised services as follows:

PlanEligibility criteriaFeeDetails
Fully-funded Advisory and Counselling Services for BNO Visa holding families in ENGLANDResides in England;
Children in need aged below 18; and
BNO Visa holder
FreeKnow more and/or apply
Donation-funded servicesSatisfy our asset mean test;
Children in need aged below 18; and
Hongkongers migrated to the UK after 2019
Free or subsidised depending on the amount of family assetKnow more and/or apply

2. Referral to Third-party Services

In the following situations, our organization will make referrals to the NHS, non-governmental organizations, or private practicing professionals:

  • When the child’s condition requires long-term follow-up or medical treatment.
  • When the family’s assets exceed the financial threshold set by our mean test.
  • When the family resides in an area that does not fall within the government-funded service region.

For cases that require referrals, our organization will provide the following support:

  • A referral letter written in English by our specialists
  • Follow up by our advisors with social worker training
  • The contact list of UK-based clinical psychologists, therapists, and counselors from Hong Kong, all of whom are in private practice
