Hong Kong Well UK Subsidised Counseling Services

Hong Kong Well UK provides donation-funded counselling services to financially disadvantaged families. Since this service is funded by public donations, all applicants of this service will be subject to an asset mean test. Upon the recommendation of our professional team after a triage assessment of their mental health conditions, the child or young adults in need will be provided with the following services.

Service Provider

Registered clinical psychologists, therapists, or counselors located in the UK or Hong Kong.


Counseling or therapy conducted mainly through video conferences. In person services are depending on availability of the specialists.

Number of sessions

4-8 sessions depending on the conditions of the child in need.

Service Fee

CategoryFinancial condition of the applicantService providerFee per session (approximately 45 minutes)
Fully-subsidised servicesFamily asset lower than the floor thresholdClinical Psychologist/
Therapist/ Counsellor
Partly subsidised servicesFamily asset above the floor threshold but below the ceiling thresholdClinical PsychologistGBP40 (Other services such as written report excluded)
TherapistGBP30(Other services such as written report excluded)
CounsellorGBP28 (Other services such as written report excluded)

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must satisfy all of the following conditions:

  • Child in need not exceeding 18 years old;
  • Assessment by professional volunteers from our organization indicates a need for counseling/therapy;
  • Pass the family asset mean test;
  • The council tax band of the family’s residence falls under categories A, B, C, or D
  • The family should own no more than one property worldwide.
  • Hongkonger migrated to the UK after 2019

Family Asset Mean Test

The asset thresholds employed in this test is referenced on maximum income thresholds employed by the UK government in its free school meal eligibility assessment for households with no recourse to public funds including those holding BNO visa.

Family asset thresholdFamily conditionFamily saving(GBP)Eligible services
Floor thresholdFamilies outside of London with 1 child<136,200Full subsidised services
Families outside of London with 2 or more children<157,800Full subsidised services
Families within London with 1 child<187,200Full subsidised services
Families within London with 2 or more children<208,800Full subsidised services
Ceiling thresholdFamilies outside of London with 1 child<181,600Partly subsidised services
Families outside of London with 2 or more children<210,400Partly subsidised services
Families within London with 1 child<249,600Partly subsidised services
Families within London with 2 or more children<278,400Partly subsidised services

Application Procedure

  1. Fill out the advisory service application form
  2. Our volunteers with social workers training will contact the applicant to understand their situation and determine whether a referral for the triage assessment service is necessary.
  3. If deemed necessary, the applicant needs to fill out the application form for the triage assessment service and provide a referral person (such as a teacher, school nurse, SENCo, educational psychologist, clinical psychologist, doctor, social worker, ordained religious personnel, or clergy). The referral person should fill a referral form.
  4. The applicant must also submit the following documents:
    • Signed service agreement for the Triage Assessment service
    • Proof of the age of the child in need
    • Bank statements for the last three months. In the case of single-parent households, only the bank statements of the custodial parent are required (bank statements from online banks like Revolut, Monzo, etc. are not accepted)
    • Proof of Council Tax payment
    • First school enrolment notice issued by UK school to the child in need
  5. Children of families that have satisfied the asset mean test will be arranged for assessment. If the assessor finds intervention necessary, he or she will recommend the required number of counseling sessions and the type of professional intervention to Hong Kong Well UK for the final decision. We will assign the appropriate specialists to provide the counseling/therapy.
  6. We will discuss the counseling/therapy arrangement with the parents and children in need if aged over 16. . The applicant or the children in need if aged over 16 is required to sign the counseling/therapy service agreement and pay the fees (if any) within 48 hours before each counseling session.

Applicants must ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of the submitted information. False declaration would result in the immediate termination of services and other appropriate actions.

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