


Please scroll down for event details in English.


做咗廿年音樂親子教育嘅Monique Pong 同美國註冊遊戲治療師督導Cora Ho會喺12/11(周六)同大人細路一齊,而且係真人現場齊齊玩,唔係網上互動。佢哋會透過藝術、音樂同遊戲,同你親子玩足兩個鐘,從中探索親子關係,加強互信,一齊培養正向情緒及學習表達。呢個活動係為大家秋冬進補,同行打氣,希望各家長及孩子們在適應移英新生活上有個好開始。

日期/時間🇬🇧:11月12日(星期六)/ 11:00 – 13:00
地點:St.John’s Church Centre, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, (TN4 9LG) 
語言: 活動以廣東話進行。
費用: 此為Kent County Council贊助活動,費用全免,現場有簡單茶點安排。
泊車: 會場不設公眾泊車,參加者請自行安排。
1. 此活動屬Kent County Council贊助活動 (https://hongkongwell.uk/zh/kent-project/),現居住Kent及Medway移英港人家庭報名將獲優先處理。英國心泉作為策劃方將保留一切有關活動參與的最終決定權。
2. 由於場地有限,活動名額以100人為上限,報名先到先得。英國心泉會以電郵通知成功報名參與家庭。查詢:help@hongkongwel.uk

Invitation 📣: Bring your family to join our “Music.Play” Fun Day in Tunbridge Wells, Kent 

What to expect ? 

  • A fun-filled event with many playful, creative vibes as well as art and music elements
  • An opportunity to strengthen communication, trust and relationship between parents and children 
  • Learn to unload stress, express self emotions and build positive values on mind and body to enable more successful integration into the community in the UK. 
Event Details:
Date/Time🇬🇧:12 November(Sat)/ 11:00 – 13:00
Venue:St.John’s Church Centre, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, (TN4 9LG) 
Registration Form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mObfqyselK-44u7yW9h-ZYSO6f2FKbwAT41SXPH034I/edit
Facilitator & Language: Facilitated in Cantonese by Monique Pong, Music Educator; Cora Ho, Registered Play Therapist -Supervisor™
Fee: Free of charge with light refreshment on site (sponsored by Kent County Council)
Parking: No public parking available in the venue. Please make own arrangement in nearby parking facility. 
Other remarks:
1. This is a programme under the Kent County Council sponsorship (https://hongkongwell.uk/zh/kent-project/). Hong Kong migrant families living in Kent and Medway will be given priorities to join the event. Hong Kong Well UK reserves the right of final decisions on admittance to the event. 
2. Limited admission (around 100pax) due to venue capacity. First comes, first serves. All successful registration will be confirmed by email from Hong Kong Well UK. Enquiries: help@hongkongwell.uk

See you!
