清單是翻譯自Bracknell Forest t Information, Advice & Support Service給該區家長特別是SEN家長選校時的建議,但不論孩子是否有特殊教育需要,此清單有可給家長作為參考。
1. Thinking about your child’s needs 考慮孩子的需要
🤔 What are your child’s particular needs?你的孩子有哪些特別的需要?
🤔 What things are most important for your child when considering what school is best for them? 最適合你孩子的學校,要具有什麼最重要的條件?
a local school they can attend with their friends? 一所位於附近、可跟友儕一同上學的學校
a school that has particular expertise? 一所在某些方面有特長的學校
a school with experience of other children with special educational needs? 一所有經驗照顧特殊教育需要學生的學校
🤔 How will your child get to school – will the Local Authority provide transport? If so, what kind (bus, buspass, taxi)and will an escort be provided? 你的孩子打算怎樣上學 : 地區教育局會有供交通安排嗎? 如有,是什麼類型(巴士、巴士乘車證、計程車)及有提供照顧者嗎?
2. Visiting a school 學校探訪
Nothing is as important as making a personal visit on a normal working day.
Think about whether it is appropriate to take your child with you, particularly if you are visiting more than one school. It could lead to your child becoming excited or confused about a specific school and ultimately as their parent you are the one to make the decision about which school you would prefer your child to attend. Be aware that for children with an education health and care plan the LA will need to agree with your preferences in order for the school to be named in the plan.
You can take a friend, relative or other supporter with you.
When visiting a school the kinds of things to notice are: 探訪學校時值得關注的地方:
👀 On your first contact with the school and during the visit do you feel welcomed? 跟學校的第一次接觸及踏進學校的一刻,你感到受歡迎嗎?
👀 Do the staff seem interested in you and your child and in answering questions? 工作人員看起來對您和您的孩子感興趣並願意回答問題嗎?
👀 Do the classrooms look like bright and pleasant places where children can learn? 各教室的環境和氣氛,都是明亮、愉快的,適合孩子們的學習嗎?
👀 Does the whole school look orderly and cared for and a safe place for your child?學校整體關愛有序,能夠為你的孩子提供安全的學習環境嗎?
👀 Are the corridor and toilet areas clean and tidy and accessible to your child?走廊、洗手間等均清潔整齊,也方便你孩子使用嗎?
👀 Would you like your child to spend his or her school days there?你放心讓孩子在這兒上學嗎?
👀 If your child goes with you to visit the school, how does he or she feel about being a pupil there? 如果孩子跟你一起到學校,他/她對於有可能在這裡上學的感覺如何?
👀 Do the children look busy and happy? Are they helpful and friendly? 這裡的學生們看來都忙碌卻快樂嗎? 他/她們都友善和樂意襄助嗎?
👀 Are the children calm and engaged in learning, and with each other? 學生們都表現平和、共同參與學習活動嗎?
👀 Are the staff listening to children and answering them respectfully? 教職員工願意聆聽學生的話,及會尊重地作出回應嗎?
👀 Do you see commitment and enthusiasm amongst the staff? 你覺得教職員工們都投入工作,亦富熱誠嗎?
👀 Are the staff friendly towards you and the children? 學校人員對你和孩子都表現友善嗎?
👀 Do you see the children’s work proudly displayed around the school? 你有否見到學校驕傲地在校內周圍展示學生作品嗎?
👀 What specialist facilities/equipment/toys/resources does the school use for SEN? 學校為有特殊需要學生,提供什麼特別設施/器材/玩具/資源?
👀 Does the layout of the school environment suit your child’s needs e.g. open plan/small classrooms/outside areas/accessibility? 學校環境能配合你孩子的需要,例如開放式校舍設計/小型教室/戶外空間/方便到達嗎?
👀 How many children are in each class? How many adults are in each class? What are they there for? 每班有多少個學生?每班有多少個成年人?他/她們在教室內負責什麼?
3. School Issues 關於學校
🏫 What does the school prospectus tell you about the school?學校簡介小冊子,告訴你關於學校的什麼?
🏫 What are the school policies on special educational needs, bullying, the role of the parent, safety, absence, administering medicines, equal opportunities? 關於特殊教育需要、欺凌、家長角色、安全、缺課、處理服藥、平等機會等,學校有什麼政策?
🏫 What does their Local Offer tell you about how they support children with SEND?Local Offer 中關於這所學校如何支援SEND有甚麼論述?
🏫 Who is the SENCo and how much time do they have to devote to SEN work?哪位是特殊教育統籌老師(SENCo)?他/她有多少時間分配到投入照顧有特殊需要的學生?
🏫 How does the school prepare for children’s admission to the school?學校是如何為新生入學作準備的?
🏫 How is information on children’s needs shared with school staff?學生的個別需要,如何轉達到教職員工?
🏫 What expertise does the school already have in meeting the special educational needs of children?學校在照顧有特殊教育需要學生方面,已具備哪些專長?
🏫 What support mechanisms and training are available for all staff in the school?如何為校內教職員工,提供處理有特殊教育需要學生的培訓和支援機制?
🏫 How does the school communicate relevant information to the parent and encourage parents to communicate with them?如何為家長提供相關資訊,及鼓勵家長保持與學校溝通?
🏫 What is the supervision at breaks and lunchtimes?小息及午膳期間的督導如何?
🏫 How does the school help children who are not yet toilet trained?怎樣協助那些仍需協助如廁的學生?
🏫 How does the school ensure the safety for all children on planned activities?學校如何在計劃開展的活動中確保所有學生的安全?
🏫 Does the school have links with any other school? In the case of a special school is there the possibility of partial or full inclusion/reintegration with a local mainstream school?學校與其他學校有聯繫嗎?如果是特殊學校,學生是否有可能部分或全部融入/重新融入當地主流學校?
4. Helping your child 幫助你的孩子
🧒 How does the school plan, review and monitor individual children’s needs and progress? 學校如何規劃、檢討和監督個別兒童的需求和進度?
🧒 What teaching methods and strategies are used to aid children’s learning? 學校使用什麼教學方法和策略來幫助孩子學習?
🧒 How long are the lessons and are support materials provided? 課堂時間有多長?會否提供輔助材料?
🧒 Will your child miss certain parts of the curriculum because of their SEN? How flexible will the school be with this? What lessons do pupils miss to receive extra help? 你的孩子會因為特殊教育需要而錯過課程的某些部分嗎?學校在這方面的安排有多靈活?學生如獲得額外幫助,會錯過了哪些課堂?
🧒 What arrangements are made for school exams, tests and SATs? If your child is of secondary age, does the school offer GCSEs or another programme of external examinations? Does the school make use of concessions for exams such as extra time or providing a laptop or scribe if needed? 學校考試、測驗和SAT有哪些安排?如果你的孩子上中學,學校提供的是GCSE抑或其他公開考試課程?學校會否有考試寬限,例如加時或在有需要時提供筆記本電腦或抄寫員?
🧒 How does the school work with support services to meet the needs of children with special educational needs? Are there other professionals based at the school? (e.g. Therapists) 對於有特殊教育需要的兒童,學校如何因應他們的需要提供支援服務?學校裡還有其他專業人士(例如治療師)嗎?
🧒 What extra activities does the school provide at lunch time/after school? What are the play/recreational facilities like? What are the supervision arrangements? 學校在午膳時間/放學後提供哪些課外活動?遊玩/娛樂設施是什麼樣的?監管安排如何?
🧒 What is the school’s policy on inclusion for school trips? How would they support your child on them? 學校有出行活動時,學校的融合政策是什麼?他們在這些活動中會如何支援你的孩子?
5. Behaviour and support within the school 校內的行為和支援
👩🏫 How does the school ensure that all pupils are welcome and that differences are respected? 學校如何確保接納所有學生並尊重差異?
👩🏫 How does the school’s discipline system adapt to take account of the specific needs and difficulties of children? Is positive behaviour praised? 學校的紀律制度如何因應兒童的特殊需要和困難作調適?正面的行為會得到表揚嗎?
👩🏫 Are all staff briefed on potential triggers for children’s outbursts/meltdowns? What plans are in place if an incident occurs in a class? 是否向所有教職員介紹了各兒童情緒爆發或崩潰的潛在觸發因素?如果在課堂上發生了事故,有什麼處理計劃?
👩🏫 Are there any quiet areas where children can go if they become stressed or anxious? Are there distraction-free work areas? 如果孩子感到壓力或焦慮,是否有安靜的地方可以去?學校是否設有不受干擾的工作區?
👩🏫 Is there any buddy system or peer support where an older child helps a younger child within school? 校內有沒有伙伴制度或朋輩支援,讓大一點的孩子幫助小一點的孩子?
👩🏫 Is there a learning mentor system in the school that can be used for your child if they need it? How does this work? 學校是否有學習導師制度,讓你的孩子在有需要時使用?這是如何運作的?
6. Information from schools 校方提供的資訊
All schools have to produce information, which is available to parents, usually from the school office. 所有學校都必須提供資訊,家長通常可以從校務處獲得這些資訊。
You can ask for the following: 你可以要求下列資訊:
School prospectus 學校章程
School’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) policy including basic information about the school’s special education provision 學校的特殊教育需要(SEN)政策,包括有關學校特殊教育規定的基本資訊
Ask where to view the school’s Local Offer 詢問在哪裡可以查看學校的Local Offer
Governors’ annual report on the school’s Special Educational Needs policy including budget details/SEN information report 校長關於學校特殊教育需要政策的年度報告,包括預算詳情/SEN資訊報告
School’s Behaviour Management Policy學校的行為管理政策
Recent Ofsted report 最近的視學報告
School’s complaints procedure 學校的投訴程序
7. Pre-visit preparation 參觀前的準備
Before arranging a visit, contact the school and ask for a copy of the school prospectus (you may be able to download this from the School website). After reading the prospectus think about and write down a list of questions you would like to ask the school when arranging the visit.
答: 老師見家長開始時兩分鐘做寒暄,剩下時間不多。家長要爭取時間問三題: 1. 有沒有教學大網(topic list)、課堂目錄( content page )甚至教科書可以提供?Can you kindly provide us any topic list, content page and textbook? 2. 希望家長可以在那方面多作支援?Is there an area that we can help our kid on? 3. 有甚麼增益活動孩子可以參加?We are very interested in any extra-curriculum activities. Is there any you can recommend?(教師知道家長支持,有這類活動時,就會提醒你的孩子報名)
「適應英國學校生活Dos & Don’ts」網上講座 Parents talk — Dos & Don’ts in UK schools
我哋特別搵咗英國註冊臨床心理學家May,教大家幾招新生活安心攻略。另外,我哋又得到幾位有齊港英兩地教學經驗的老師嘅義務協助,做咗一套🇬🇧英國學校ABC嘅秘笈,並會由前社工兼老師家長義工Lilian 同大家分享
有問題要找學校哪個部門? 英國:大部分學校設有Pastoral Care Team,其職能主要是全面照顧學生的福祉 ,類近香港學校的訓輔團隊,通常每級別至少有兩位,包括Inclusion Manager(IM)及Head of Year(HoY)。如老師在課堂上遇到學生有行為問題,一般 會轉介予Pastoral Care Team處理,因為他們最清楚及能夠掌握學生的核心問題 。此外,一般中學會安排Inclusion Manager及Head of Year陪伴學生由yr 8至yr 11 之間的4年學涯,讓他們更清楚每位學生的需要。當家長有任何關於子女在校內 的學業、行為或情緒問題,最好直接聯絡Pastoral Care Team。
有沒有班主任? 香港:每班都有班主任,處理該班學生的問題。 英國:中學有類似班主任的老師一直陪伴學生多年,稱為Form Tutor,但每天大 概只有20分鐘跟學生見面時間。而小學的老師通常為全科老師,相信比中學的 Form Tutor更能跟進學生的整體情況。
Pastoral Care Team必然會處理所有問題? 英國:如果Pastoral Care Team面對未能處理的個案,他們會聯絡相關的老師合 作,例如學生有特殊學習需要便找SENCO(Special Educational Needs Co- Ordinator)、學生學習英文遇到困難便聯絡EAL(English As an Additional Language),有其他特別需要則聯繫Home School Link Workers,即近似香港的 駐校社工。
家長可否直接聯絡SENCO、EAL等部門處理問題? 英國:可以,但要小心,因為判斷如何處理問題的主導權在相關部門手上,家 長不要寄望他們必定會滿足自己的要求,因此最好還是聯絡Pastoral Care Team, 交由他們處理,因為他們最清楚每個學生的問題及其需求。
SEMH (Social, Emotional or Mental Health Issues) 疫情期間,學生出現情緒問題的個案增加不少,雖然Inclusion Manager(IM)及 Head of Year(HoY)會跟進問題,但遇到嚴重危機時,例如學生自殘、發生流血情 況、家庭暴力等,校內的Safeguarding Team會主動介入,而且涉及的職能範圍 廣闊,包括照顧學生的精神狀況等。 學校會根據學生危機的嚴重性及發生的可能性進行估算,從而採取下一步行動 。如有特別情況,SENCO或Inclusion Manager或Head of Year會通知科任老師,在 課堂上要特別留意個別學生情況,例如要在上課5分鐘內點名、要知道該學生是 否在課室內、或者不能讓他獨自上廁所等。若果學生突然情緒失控,便要由 Inclusion Manager或Head of Year協助處理。
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