
適應英國學校生活Dos & Don’ts

「適應英國學校生活Dos & Don’ts」網上講座 Parents talk — Dos & Don’ts in UK schools



我哋特別搵咗英國註冊臨床心理學家May,教大家幾招新生活安心攻略。另外,我哋又得到幾位有齊港英兩地教學經驗的老師嘅義務協助,做咗一套🇬🇧英國學校ABC嘅秘笈,並會由前社工兼老師家長義工Lilian 同大家分享。詳情如下:

Settling in a new environment, in particular the schools, can be challenging for the young one. Come join our workshop for some tips.

Clinical psychologist May will share with us to some skills in helping your children to settle down while a group of teachers have put together some dos and don’ts in local schools. The latter will be delivered by our volunteer Lilian who was a Hong Kong social worker and teacher.

日期 Date:6/10/2022
時間 Time: 10.00-11.30 am
語言Language: 廣東話 Cantonese
