
移英港人家長關注學童情緒問題 創立「英國心泉」組織提供支援服務 與孩子同行逾越障礙

移英港人家長關注學童情緒問題 創立「英國心泉」組織提供支援服務 與孩子同行逾越障礙 節錄自明報周刊 「我哋係咪唔會再返香港?」「點解我哋要嚟呢度生活?」 以上種種,在成年人的腦海中可能也未有完美答案,跟隨家人離鄉別井的孩子們,難免有同樣疑問。 港人選擇到他國落地生根各有因由,不少家庭到埗後亦需要面對住屋、就業、子女就學等迫在眉睫的事情;成年人為生活奔波同時,移民子女的情緒健康亦值得受關注。

Hong Kong Well Mental Health Triage Assessment Service

It is hard to get a child to speak up. Asking them to talk about their feelings in a foreign language is even more difficult. Our team will help to overcome the language barrier by providing triage assessment for children from Hong Kong in their mother tongue – Cantonese. An English referral letter will be prepared for their parents to follow up with teachers and NHS specialists.

Our team

They are clinical psychologists, family therapists and art therapists with registration either or both in the United Kingdom and/or Hong Kong. Details of the professional qualification will be provided upon confirmation of a meeting.

Who are we serving?

Children aged under 18 of families applying for or have been granted the British National (Overseas) Visa.

How do we meet?

1-2 online session(s) lasting 45 minutes each. Most of the meetings will be conducted online in Cantonese.

How to apply

  1. Find a referrer (teachers, school nurses, Special Education Need Coordinator (SENCO) , educational psychologists, clinical psychologists, general practitioners(GP), social workers, ordained ministers or lay pastors) to fill in the referral form.

  2. The applying family should fill in the application form

  3. We will only process the application upon receiving both forms. Due to the small size of our professional team, please be patient. Emergency cases will have the priority.

  4. Sign and send us the service agreement upon receiving a confirmation email on the appointment. This must be done 24 hours prior to the appointment time.

What do we charge?

We don’t charge for the moment but we would recommend a donation of £30 so that a more members of the wider Hongkonger community can be helped by our non-profit making services. For applicants with financial pressures, please contact us. Click here to make the donation 24 hours before before the initial session. All donations are non-refundable in the event of absence without 24 hours prior notice.
