Part 1: What is CAMHS?

NHS has a four-tier system for child and adolescent mental health. This document sets out the referral process and criteria for professionals referring to the multi-disciplinary Tier 3 Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) which may include CAMHS for children and young people with Learning Disabilities (CAMHS LD). The service is specifically for children and young people who have persistent and complex problems and may include referral to a Tier 4 service if required.

Clients of CAMHS

Children and young people aged under 18 with emotional, behavioural and mental health difficulties.

Professionals in CAMHS

CAMHS are multidisciplinary teams that often consist of:

  • Psychiatrists
  • Social workers
  • Psychologists
  • Psychological therapists including child psychotherapists, play therapists and creative art therapists
  • Family psychotherapists
  • Nurses
  • Occupational therapists
  • Teachers

Part 2: What is the service’s scope of CAMHS

PART 3: What information is needed for GP/CAMHS assessment? 

Part 4: What is the CAMHS referral procedure


BNO專欄: 兒童的心靈指引



心泉分享6: 憤怒急救包

心泉分享6: 憤怒急救包 移民前後,仔仔囡囡成日變身「Angry Bird」😡😡😡問多兩句就叫唔好理佢。 爸爸媽媽既頭痕,又心痛,仲有時自己都忍唔住一齊發脾氣😣😩😤,兩敗俱傷。 面對仔仔囡囡嘅憤怒情緒,爸爸媽媽要學定幾度殺手鐧,隨時見招拆招。 仲要了解港英文化,知道大聲鬧仔係咪虐兒?威脅唔俾囡囡食飯又係咪?以免避誤墮法網。我們請來有處理個案經驗的兩位義工,同大家講講。




孩子不願上學 分享家長: Snoppy 情緒人人有,尤其是移民前後。 移民決定是在2020年12月,離開是2021年8 月,足足八個月,但不等於孩子已有足夠時間消化離開香港 — 這個我們深愛地方— 的決定。 出發前,15歲大仔F已不時會大發脾氣,失去學習目標及動力,也會間中不肯回校上課。因著其健康及情緒問題,早在2019年他已開始接受臨床心理學家(Clinical Psychologist)的輔導。2020年下旬,情緒終算穩定下來,所以暫停了輔導。決定移民後,又在臨行前安排了輔導會面,以為有準備。

Hong Kong Well Mental Health Triage Assessment Service

It is hard to get a child to speak up. Asking them to talk about their feelings in a foreign language is even more difficult. Our team will help to overcome the language barrier by providing triage assessment for children from Hong Kong in their mother tongue – Cantonese. An English referral letter will be prepared for their parents to follow up with teachers and NHS specialists.

Our team

They are clinical psychologists, family therapists and art therapists with registration either or both in the United Kingdom and/or Hong Kong. Details of the professional qualification will be provided upon confirmation of a meeting.

Who are we serving?

Children aged under 18 of families applying for or have been granted the British National (Overseas) Visa.

How do we meet?

1-2 online session(s) lasting 45 minutes each. Most of the meetings will be conducted online in Cantonese.

How to apply

  1. Find a referrer (teachers, school nurses, Special Education Need Coordinator (SENCO) , educational psychologists, clinical psychologists, general practitioners(GP), social workers, ordained ministers or lay pastors) to fill in the referral form.

  2. The applying family should fill in the application form

  3. We will only process the application upon receiving both forms. Due to the small size of our professional team, please be patient. Emergency cases will have the priority.

  4. Sign and send us the service agreement upon receiving a confirmation email on the appointment. This must be done 24 hours prior to the appointment time.

What do we charge?

We don’t charge for the moment but we would recommend a donation of £30 so that a more members of the wider Hongkonger community can be helped by our non-profit making services. For applicants with financial pressures, please contact us. Click here to make the donation 24 hours before before the initial session. All donations are non-refundable in the event of absence without 24 hours prior notice.
